QnA and Suggestions Feedback (7Feb 2025)

QnA feedbacks time.

Q: Why the game crashes on my Android device?

A: We have improved the game optimization compared to previous beta version. However, currently we are working on futher optimization for next update, if the game still crashes after next update, then we suggest to play the game in PC instead.

Q: Why enemy/player only dealing 1 dmg? 

A: Prolly the def is high and attack rng is rolled too low, we did make changes in recent changes.

Q: Some areas are unexplorable 

A: They will be explorable however in future updates.

Q: Woodchop utility is broken, it doesn't cut tree obstacle 

A: Woodcut is supposed to not learnable for now, and if you do learn it, you are not supposed to chop the tree yet.

Q: What does seduction skill do?

A: It's still unfinished and it's meant to instantly destroys target super armor if they attracted by your performance.

Q: Goes Grayscreen and play Camp.mp4 when Fighting snek collided with Hyena or vice versa

A: Prolly because battle scenes are instantiated together and cause errors. We will investigate this issue.

Q: Cooldown Rave & Allies Overlap each other 

A: It only overlaps when the other skill slot is empty, it doesn't overlap if there is skill in the same skill slot.

Q: Rave perform lose animation sometime, but mostly after energy reach 0 

A: it isn't properly coded yet that I forgot, if your energy drop to 0 it should've count as defeat

Q: Skip Button consume energy. But not MP (is this on purpose?)

A: everytime playing your turn consume energy, skipping doesn't consume anything.

Q: Game crashes once lose to certain battle

A: Try to win the battle for now, this known issue gonna get fixed in next update.

Q: Where are the last 3 locked scenes?

A: It will be soon available for patreon build.

- Suggestions.

1. Suggestion about relationship system in the game

We havent think of a plan adding relationship system yet, prolly a love meter that will unlock specific quests for certain NPCs will do.

2. Suggestion about smaller resolution screen, text dialogue hard to read.

Yes we are currently working on game resolution, after optimization, text dialogue will be easier to read.

3. Upgrading ally party member, Krosch always dealt 1 damage.

Ally party member stats are scaled with your character levels, about how they perform, just need an adjustment.

4. Suggestion about sokoban mini puzzle kinda frustating.

We will improve the sokoban mini puzzle, maybe similiar to "HM-Strength" mechanics in P*kmn franchise game, so you dont have to repeatedly clicking interact button.

5. Will there be other languages translation?

It is possible but it isnt our main focus right now.

6. Multiple save files button is confusing, can we just add mark like timestamps so we do know which save/load slot we want to decide?

We are currently working on a better UI for Save/Load, perhaps having a Save/Load UI template like renpy games will do.

Thanks for playing Accea



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